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Updated: Apr 15

Precook cauliflower in a water for about 20 minutes. Put the cauliflower in oven 400F for 40 to 45 minutes until brown on top. It realizes sugar. You can also brush the cauliflower with a mixture of turmeric and carry and olive oil.


Turmeric is the golden medicine well known to yogis.


Bake or cook potatoes. you can add some garlic fresh or baked or black garlic, olive oil and some dill!



 Cut of the top of the garlic head crosswise and pour some olive oil in. Rap in a foil and bake for 30 to 40 minutes on 375 F until nice and soft that you can easily squeezed out.


What makes black garlic black?

It’s basically the fermentation process that takes up to 35 days during which sugars and amino acids within garlic produce melanoidin- a dark compound responsible for creating the black color.

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